Practice Design for Performance – An Exploration within an International Training Environment
How do you design practice to effectively support player learning?
What are the key principles of practice design?
What does practice design look like within a futsal performance environment?
What learning can we take and apply in our own coaching environments?
If these are questions that you have reflected on as a coach then the England Futsal Coach Developer Team are pleased to offer this Coach Developer CPD event that will explore all things practice design. Aimed at coaches who are coaching futsal regularly and want to know more about practice design within futsal. This is very much an interactive experience where coaches will listen, share views, exchange ideas whilst having the opportunity to observe the England Futsal Men’s National Team and coaches in training. Moreover, a key aim of the event is to help coaches reflect and consider how learning would apply to your own coaching context.
Key Event Details
DATE: Sunday 6th April 2025
TIME: 9.30am – 1pm
FORMAT: In Person
COST: £15
REGISTRATION: Closes Friday 4th April at midday.
To book your place on this event and to find out all other event information please register via this LINK.
For any additional information please email